Your search for the best and affordable deals on top searched routes in India ends here. Choose from sleeper, semi-sleeper, volvo and many more buses while booking online and get the cheapest fare, multiple paying options, best discounts and 24x7 customer service.
We are the creators of India's 1st comfort of branded buses that guarantee safe & comfortable journeys. We offer you a complete end-to-end travel experience with our professional crew, round the clock command centre and many other features.
Unwind in our clean and secure sleeper berths
Personalized luggage handling by trained staff
Professional bus captain will assist you throught the journey
Rubi Paribahans providing travel solutions to their passengers with best in class quality by operating comfort new branded with well experienced professionals. Some of the Important routes of Rubi Paribahans include Kolkata to Siliguri to Kolkata via Krishnanagar, Berhampur, Farakka, Malda, Raiganj, Dalkhola, Kishanganj and Islampur..
Our travel services are perfect to make the holiday of our tourists most undisturbed.
Via:Via Krishnanagar, Berhampur, Farakka, Malda, Raiganj, Dalkhola, Kishanganj, Islampur.